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 私の制作には多様な意味でのベクトルの異なる「具象」と「抽象」がいくつも存在しており、それらが複雑に絡み合うことで私の作品となっている。 私はこれらをはじめとする様々な二項対立を、制作を通して往来する。



When I am working, I am often struck by a strange feeling. What is it that I am painting? Am I painting flowing paint, or just oil paint on canvas? Am I painting a motif realistically, or am I simply painting colors on a canvas? What appears on the screen are all color surfaces, and it is as if I am painting color by color. My own vision and thoughts gradually intersect, and what I am facing is either "figurative" or "abstract," the two melting together and becoming ambiguous.

In my work, there are many elements of "figurative" and "abstract" that have different vectors in various senses, and they are intricately intertwined to form my work. I move back and forth between these and other dichotomies through my work.

​Koshiro Kihara

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